Turbo Time

My hero!  (Photo from flickeringmyth.com)

My hero! (Photo from flickeringmyth.com)

After a delicate sunrise of pinks and corals, the sun came out to play.  Fortified with a decent breakfast of eggs, toast and coffee, plus 2 hours to digest said breakfast, I went out for a run.   I quickly discovered I had another case of turbo legs. I felt kind of like a human Pony Express.  I could not go slower. I had no “safe word” to initiate a  whoa, girl moment. I stopped to catch my breath a couple of times, then pressed on.  I decided to ride the wave instead of pacing myself.  Nine minute miles.  Man.  I have no idea when it will strike next, but I like it.

I could have run longer, but I’m learning about that, too.  No need to kill myself every day.  I can run more tomorrow.  I ran 4 miles today.  Fifteen miles this week.  I’m starting to like this Janathon thing.

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